Monodrama on the Biblical story of Cain and Abel (Gen: 4)

written on commission of ‘Biennale Kunst in de Heilige Driehoek’ 2017

Elisabeth Hetherington – soprano, Tijmen van Tol – piano, with thanks to Gunnar Gunnsteinson, René van Tol, Mary Dudro, Guus van der Hout

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Upcoming concerts for my new Trumpet Concerto Lof der Zotheid by Floris Onstwedder and the Dutch Student Chamber Orchestra. Tickets available through the links below.

7 april – Sint Nicolaasga – Sint-Nicolaaskerk
8 april – Groningen – Kleine zaal Oosterpoort
9 april – ’s-Hertogenbosch – Jheronimus Bosch Art Center
10 april – Leiden – Herengrachtkerk
11 april – Utrecht – Geertekerk
12 april – Middelburg – Zeeuwse concertzaal
13 april – Antwerpen – Sint Augustinuskerk
14 april – Amsterdam – Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ

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for solo violin, string quintet and piano
commissioned and performed by Liza Ferschtmann at the 2015 Delft Chamber music Festival, (07-08-15)



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for wind ensemble
commissioned and performed by Het Nederlands Blazers Ensemle, (11-12-15)
conductor: Dick Verhoef

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I want to go back

‘Rhapsody for large ensemble’
performed by the Score Collective, (22-05-15) conductor: Erik Desimpelaere

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sur mahler

‘a swift symphony for large orchestra’
performed by the Amsterdam Conservatory Orchestra, (15-04-15) conductor: Ed Spanjaard

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Les Larmes de Jacqueline

Opera scene for large baroque orchestra, chorus, and soloists
Performed by Il Fondamento and Sweelinck Baroque Orchestra (21/27/28-02-16)
Conductor: Paul Lombrecht

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for clarinet, guitar, piano and bass
performed by Warre Simons, Gunnar Gunnsteinsson, Duri Collenberg and Tijmen van Tol

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for flute, clarinet and bassoon
performed by Carlos Anez, Lily Molnar and Georgie Powell (2014)

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